Saturday, February 22, 2014
First Impression 1997 Honda 750 Magna
Long and low, the Magna impresses with its 28-inch seat height.
The V65 went the way of the dodo bird a few years later, as reliability problems occurred with its larger, 1100cc motor (V65 refers to cubic inches). The V45 remains; however, its accouterments have changed over the years.
Todays Magna shares the designation of "power cruiser" alongside Yamahas V-Max and Harley-Davidsons XL1200S Sportster Sport, although, with its V-4 sportbike engine dropped into a chassis designed to cruise, it has more in common with Kawasakis Eliminator. Motorcycle styles have come and gone, and so has the Magnas. In the eighties its looks were typified by a tall, narrow profile. In the fashion-conscious nineties, the Magna has undergone an entire make-over, first with upswept pipes and a bikini fairing, and now with its long, low cruiser clothing.
"However, a word to the wise: Dont be fooled. Its no cruiser."
When we took the Magna out for a 300 mile trip, we were disappointed for a number of reasons. First, its soft seat, while good for short jaunts around town, took its toll on the posterior, as your butt sinks into oblivion. Second, the bars were positioned at exactly the right angle to catch every single molecule of air that streams toward the pilot. The massive rectangular radiator sticks out like a sore thumb on the otherwise pretty front end.
Next, just as your shoulders start to separate and your derriere is devoured by the seat, the engine starts to lose power and bog down. Darn, we were almost out of gas. After only about 110 miles on the open road (85 in the city), its time to refill.
On a more positive note, we did like the narrow ratio gearbox, its solid and smooth, but is geared wrong for a cruiser. It has tall first and top gears that have you revving five to six large on the highway.
Our next several jaunts on the Mag were casual city commuting and boulevard cruising. Here the high, wide bars and the soft seat are right at home, but we discovered new concerns.
While not apparent on the highway, in the city we found midrange carburetion problems. Cruising between 4000 and 5000 rpm, the Magna tends to lean-surge, and pushing through this we felt a wide flat-spot that lasts until 7000 rpm (see dyno charts). However, at that point, youre probably feeling sorry for the poor engine and youll want to shift soon.
The answer (obviously enough) is to lug the engine at lower rpm, but this leaves you with only about 25 horsepower to work with.
The flat spot was still present, but the lean-surge wasnt a problem with constant rolling of the throttle and the ever-changing revs. The varied and aggressive environment of the twisties also gave us a chance to open up the throttle and scream, and we finally saw the engines full potential as it rose past the buzzy 7-8 grand range and up into motorcycle nirvana.
And while ground clearance is ample for a spirited cruise through the tight stuff, at a full sport pace either you will scrape parts off the bike or your body parts off the bottom of a ravine.
Thus, having glimpsed the potential of this bike, wed like to offer a few suggestions to turn this slightly flawed bike into a truly great motorcycle. A few suggestions regarding the Magna we recently tested: A different cam for more bottom end. Clean up the carburetion. Lose the plastic. Clean up the components, radiator. Put a good seat on it ala ACE 750.
Manufacturer: Honda
Model: 1997 VF750C Magna
Price: $7499
Engine: dohc 4-valve 90-degree V-four
Bore x stroke: 70mm x 48.6mm
Displacement: 748cc
Carburetion: four 34mm CV
Transmission: 5-speed
Wheelbase: 65.0 in.
Seat height: 28.0 in.
Fuel capacity: 3.6 gal.